Mofi 4500 Change Wifi Password

  • July 27, 2020

This is the password you will need to provide every time you connect a new device to the Mofi's Wifi network.

  1. Connect to Mofi via WiFi
  2. Open Admin (login steps)
  3. Click the network option in the left sidebar.
  4. Click WiFi from the list on the left
  5. Scroll down to The Wireless Password/Key (Case Sensitive): This is the WiFi password you use to connect to your network. Create a strong password here of at least 10 characters. This password should contain numbers, symbols, and letters (both upper and lower case).
  6. Save your changes by clicking the Save button before leaving this page.

Note: any devices that were connected before this change will need to be reconnected with the updated password.

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