Mofi4500-Reset Sierra Module

  • January 18, 2021

Reset Sierra Module

  1. Log into the MOFI Router by connecting a phone, tablet/iPad, computer, etc. to the MOFI network (regardless if the router is giving off an internet connection or not), opening a non-Chrome browser (Safari, Internet Explorer, or FireFox), and typing into the browser's address bar, which will bring you to the MOFI Router's login screen
    The default username is: root
    The default password is: admin
  2. Once the home page comes up, click on Network --> MoFi Internal Modem in the left-hand corner.
  3. Scroll down until you see a button that reads "Reset Sierra Module". Click this button.
  4. The module will reset. This process can take up to 5 minutes and unfortunately, doesn't grant much insight into what it's doing. So, let the device sit for 5-10 mi

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